21 marzo 2006

Luke's Story

Luke's Story-by…Luke

The day began like any other would here in Costa Rica. William (our guide) was cracking chistes left and right and Geovanny (our bus driver) was pounding fists. We made our 2-hour Mecca to the Poas volcano and upon arrival we vigorously hiked for 2 days to reach the summit. It was pure blood and tears. Some struggled to continue but we pushed them on. Matt “Big Leslie” kresca even shed a few tears of sorrow from the extreme pain. Once we reached the summit, we had the most amazing view of….lots of clouds and burning sulfuric air. Our eyes watered once again, but this time it wasn't from the emotional feelings we got. It was pure sulfuric agony. Ross, Matt, and I (Luke) had the genius idea of seeing who could withstand the most pain without blinding themselves. We pinned our eyes open for a good 10 minutes and let the sulfur-filled air fill our eyes. We teared, tourists were snapping pictures. And our guide (William) told us that we were the first to ever take on the task of putting ourselves through extreme matters of pain in that way. Presently, Matt has lost his eyesight temporarily and we are hoping that his father, who is an “eye doctor”, can repair the damages. Actually he is fine and so are the rest of us. Pura Vida…Para Servir-Luke Mathews

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