21 marzo 2006

Pura Vida everyone!

Pura Vida everyone! Everything is amazing in Costa Rica, even the food! Everyday is filled with so much to do, and I think I'm going to come home a few pounds lighter from all of the walking and hiking. I'm also going to come home a few shades different, but lets just not tan. Lets just say I decided it would be okay to go the first two whole days without wearing sunscreen, and now I am in excruciating pain. I'm just glad my mom is not here to scold me about not wearing sun tan lotion. I'm having a great time and I miss everyone back home! Hasta Luego!

~Brooke McMahon

1 comentario:

juliemc dijo...

Oh m'gosh, B! I'm not going to scold you since you're hurtin'. I'm not even going to say "i told you so..." hope the lotion w/aloe helps. You're missing the 2+ inches of snow we got. I walked home to vote which was MY big mistake...the windchill was in the single digits. enjoy your time there, cuz you'll miss it when you get home!